Accoline Cards

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        Designing premier 3D handmade greeting-cards is a very special task, as it includes two parts:
        – a common 4 color (CMYK) design to create a suitable background
        – and the particular design of the handmade accessory to be applied to the card.


        The latter is the highlight of every item, but the interplay of both techniques turn every card into a small work of art.


        Accoline Cards employs its own designers. Our female designers studied graphic design at Chiang Mai University and achieved a related diploma. This is a fact which is not rather common to many Asean manufacturers of handmade-cards.


        We have got a range of far more than 1.000 beautiful designs to all main occasions like birthday, wedding, baby, Valentine’s, Christmas, Congratulations, exam, be well and others in different styles to offer.


        Accoline Cards is able to manufacture in any sizes and any languages required by the customers’ needs.